Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On The Lake

On The Lake (pastel, 12x12)

This was my response to Karin Jurick's latest challenge over at DSFDF. I think I may have missed the deadline. But that's OK. It didn't photograph that well. Much better IRL. I was trying hard to concentrate on the colours and on seeing what was there and not what I thought was there. I think I did OK. The girl in the boat isn't the best but people aren't my strength and she looks better IRL as well.


dominique eichi said...

what a great entry for DSFDF I like the reflections. That look like canson paper, you should use the other side there's not so strong pattern and it keep the pastel on well too.

Glenda Mosher said...

So glad you did it Lori! You've captured that boat wonderfully!

Lori said...

Thanks for the comment. It is Canson paper. I haven't tried the flatter side of the paper before but I may just do that. I've had trouble with the pastel sticking to other flatter papers so I never thought of it. In real life it doesn't look as grainy as the photo, somehow the camera magnified the texture of the paper a bit.

Thanks for all the encouragement!


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